80 school districts in 23 states were able to to attend! The Chicago Public Schools’ team post strike helped the Urban Collaborative staff led by the distinguished genius and Executive Director Dr. Lauren Katzman put the Member meeting together. Arizona State support staff my dad’s alma mater (he would have loved this!!) helped make the conference a success!

Key note Speach: “From the Margins to the Mainstream: Insuring Quality, Fairness and Inclusion in the Delivery of Special Education Programs.” by Dr. Noguera was influential and powerful. “That's at the core of equity: understanding who your kids are and how to meet their needs. You are still focused on outcomes, but the path to get there may not be the same for each one.”-Dr.Noguera

The mural(s) were in the center of the main hall and a smaller one at the entrance of the conference. Educators, some Chicago youth from South Side “Bull Dogs” step team and disabled youth Brandon Ramirez created the works together under my direction. The Urban Collaborative brings together some of the top special educators in the country, amazing people that help shape the future of the United States through their work. Its such an honor and very inspiring for me to be around and learn/ collaborate from these educators who all have different specialties and perspectives. Thank you to Dr. Katzman for her great work and the opportunity to take part in the experience. Thank you to Camelot for dinner and Dwaine for the kind words about my work with public art as an education tool. I have given many speeches but its different when top educators are present, I definitely want to continue to develop that skill.

Below are some images showing the process photos by myself and Monica L. King, School Social worker, Baltimore City Schools.

-Kyle Holbrook


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